Saturday 14 December 2019

Common Threats to your Business IT Security

Most of the cyber-attacks are for obtaining personal data to use in credit card or identify theft. Generally, large companies have more data to steal, but smaller companies have less secure networks, so they are equally prone to the cyber-attacks. Cyber security provider Virginia assesses your security needs and implements the Bets solutions to keep your business secure 24 hours a day. Some of the common threats to your business IT security are:

Adware is a kind of computer virus that fills your computer with advertisement and often allows other viruses to enter your computer, once you accidentally clicked on the ad.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a victim's files. The attacker then demands a ransom from the victim to restore access to the data upon pay to withhold access to an individual’s or business’ computer system.

Spyware is a kind of cyber infection which is designed to spy on your computer actions and relay that information back to the cyber-criminal.
Whether a small or large, every business must take appropriate steps to secure the networks and follow best business practices to avoid being a victim of a cyber-attack. Hiring a professional cyber security provider Virginia is an easy way to safeguard your business data and information.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Cloud Solution to Meet Tailored Needs of Your Organization!

Optimum Cyber, LLC
A single platform with comprehensive solutions is exactly what your business needs and this Maryland Cloud Solution Provider can make your transition to the cloud (and optimum efficiency) a smooth one. If you have database, application and routine workloads that take your precious time and resources, you must be looking for a simpler, easier, more cost-effective way to do things. This cloud solution provider can enable you to simplify and lower your cost of operations with hybrid adjustments. Or, maybe you want to totally overhaul your current system and go all-in cloud. This can be an overwhelming prospect for many without a competent expert to help you through.

All cloud solution providers offer infrastructure, software and platform options to business. But which solution is the right one for you? You need someone to take the time to understand your needs and choose the most optimum path. Your provider must ensure the right solution is scalable and a firm fit for your establishment. Cloud solutions can rid you of dealing with hardware issues such as maintenance, warranties, upgrades and depreciation. In the long term you save a considerable amount of money on constant hardware maintenance, power consumption and man hours.

Cloud solution hardware will always be upgraded by your provider to run on the latest versions. There is also flexibility to add or remove features per your business requirements. This comes with security features and a guaranteed uptime that will almost never get disrupted for you or your users.

With a cloud solution provider, you get: 

Robust networking and storage which ensures constant uptime
Flexible virtual environment for scalability
Real-time monitoring of equipment and services
Disk to disk backup of critical data